We have a tremendous volume of talent, available to help you quickly.
Certainly, Solutions Staffing is in touch with a large number of nurses and other health care professionals who are looking to permanently re-locate and that’s where we can help with permanent staff placements.
Permanent Staff Placements
Bringing exceptional healthcare professionals and extraordinary healthcare environments (like yours!) together is what Solutions Staffing Inc. does best. A certain percentage of our nurses and other professionals will look at your facility and community as an excellent permanent relocation option. Permanent Staff Placements are possible through our agency.
A temporary staff placement is an optimal way for our healthcare professionals to “try out” new locations and situations before settling permanently. Solutions Staffing shares your goal for permanent, long-term employee placements. We are well versed in screening and credentialing healthcare professionals for their qualifications, skill levels and experience.
For permanent placement of exceptional healthcare professionals, Solutions Staffing offers the following services:
- Partial candidate screening
- Verification of Licensing and Canadian Citizenship
- Placement and Ongoing Support
Learn more about our Permanent Staff Placement services.
Speak to one of our representatives at 1-866-355-8355 or contact us today!